The protagonist, Otton, might have been influenced by the cover art for Radiohead's album " Amnesiac", as this name is referenced in one of the ending dialogues for the game, achieved by having found enough rubies.There exist two versions of the fangame: "SPACE FUNERAL: of RUBIES and GOLD" (released in 2018), and "SPACE FUNERAL: of RUBIES and GOLD - DIRECTOR'S CUT", which contains extra content and has been updated further since release.

Will he be able to achieve what he desires? Download Phillip and Leg Horse set off on a mission to find the mysterious City Of Forms. Follow the tale of Otton, a ghoul from Skull Village, and his adventure inside the Treasure Grotto to find a fix to his insatiable hunger for gold. As Phillip and Leg Horse sweat and bleed on their quest, other legends are formed. Everything has been transformed, and the perfect beauty of the world was lost. This story takes place in the wicked world of the claustrophobic caverns in the outskirts of Space Funeral.

It later received an expansion in the form of the Director's Cut. Space Funeral: Of Rubies And Gold is a completed Space Funeral fangame developed by HalfAlieno, originally made to celebrate the 8th anniversary of Space Funeral being published.